
For collectors of Mackmyra whisky


Moment Vinterträdgård

2017-05-04 by Thomas Øhrbom (Whisky Saga)

Mackmyra Moment Vinterträdgård, NAS, 48,4 %

This Swedish whisky from Mackmyra was released back in late 2014. The Mackmyra Moment Vinterträdgård (“conservatory”) is an odd experiment on paper, and here is the official description: “Our fourteenth release in the Moment series is a spicy, flavorful, Swedish malt whisky with intense fruity cask notes in a very limited edition. The character comes from our elegant recipe, with a finish maturation om casks which has contained raspberry wine and wine made of cranberries and blueberries. In addition, some of the whisky has been matured on our own combination casks, where the body is made of of ex-bourbon, and the lids are made of new Swedish oak.” You can still pick up a bottle of the Macmyra Vinterträdgård in the UK at around GBP 113.

Nose: Hmm.. This is a bit confusing. There’s vanilla notes here, as well as what I can best describe as a young-ish, heavy sweetness that I often get from Swedish oak. There are lighter, wine like notes playing the high notes here, as well as hints of a deeper earthiness. Berries, for sure, although I am not able to separate and name them as they appear on the nose.

Taste: Soft and rich mouthfeel. Intensely spicy on the palate. Creamy, with vanilla, berries and soft oakiness.

Finish: Medium to short finish. It is still spicy, and now a lot drier as well. The sweetness and the berries are almost gone, and we are left with spices and oaky notes.

Comments: I am still a bit confused, actually.

Score: (80/100)

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